Thursday, September 16, 2010

Darks Can Always Be Darker...

Personally, when drawing, I prefer to start out with something light like an HB graphite pencil to get a general idea of the shape of the object I'm adding shading to.
Using an apple as an example, I'd very lightly draw just the outline, as well as a line background, to show that my apple is placed on a surface and not floating in midair.

Once you get the shape desired, it is now time to add a third-dimensional perspective with shading. For this you can us a darker pencil, such as a 4B or 6B. When looking at your apple, or your object, make note of where the light source is shining from. This is very crutical to animating your objects to life.

After practicing a few times, your apple should start to look more and more like the one above. If you please, colour can be added for a more realistic appeal.

Click here to see the Top 10 Mistakes Beginners Make.

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