Thursday, September 16, 2010


Sketching is probably one of the more important tools when creating a work of art. To some, things come naturally. To others, it takes some concentration and planning. Sketching not only loosens and warms you up for drawing, but it also helps blueprint what your works will include.

For sketching, it is best to start with as little detail as possible. Mainly what sketching helps you with isn't the detail but the shape as well as proportion and perspective. How you perceive your object, how close it is to you, the scale of the object and the composition of it are all things your sketch should include. You shouldn't be concentrated on details, light sources, texture, nor background and foregrounds. Countour line drawings are the best kind of sketches, mostly due to their lack of detail and the like.
Without lifting your pencil from your paper, draw a rose with one line.

Once you get the form you desire, you can draw and redraw your shape as often as you like until you are satisfied and are looking to add detail.
Adding shading can bring dimension to any object.

For simple tips and tricks to help improove your sketching, please feel free to click here!

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